Why do progressives / Democrats keep looking at their amazing riches and call it sludgy shit?

Why do progressives / Democrats keep looking at their amazing riches and call it sludgy shit?

Why do we do this? Why do we act like such pathetic souls, as if we’ve lost everything in the world, wearing our own shit-stained trousers to the local shelter with our pockets turned out and crying and begging for soup and claiming not to have a pot to shit in, when in truth, there is no better time in the known universe ever to be a Democrat ever in the known universe?

Joe Biden is an amazing President. He has restored dignity to the American Presidency that was previously stolen from us. Think of the first thing he did as President-Elect, the moment of silence he held for the victims of COVID in this country. The previous administration didn’t bother to do that. It was a symbolic gesture alone, but from that office, symbolic gestures are Thor’s hammers swinging. Biden wore a mask. Biden said it was okay. Biden acknowledged the tragedy. And then he did so much more.

One year now, we’re observing the “Inflation Reduction Act.” But we all know what it is besides that. It’s “Build Back Better” snipped. And that’s okay, that’s what we could get, and what we got is gorgeous. There is lots of clean energy things in it. Things that will build our economy long term. Prescription drug reform. IRS tax enforcement. It’s already doing what it says on the tin: US inflation has beaten it everywhere in the world. Yes, buttholes: Biden did that. “Bidenomics” is working, though I’m with Randi Rhodes, I like the “Biden Boom” better. It’s more satisfying. Boom.

But back to the original question: Why do Democrats and/or Progressives shit all over the idea of Biden/Harris running for reelection? It makes no sense. I suspect it’s largely a fear of 2016, happening again. But I keep trying to explain that 2016 was a red herring. It will not happen again in 2024. Trump won’t win again. It’s just not going to happen.

But Democrats/Progressives/Trump resentful people won’t see the whole entire reason that 2016 happened. They like to bang on the table and be all like “Hillary was a terrible candidate.” I have 3 million reasons that she was not that, but okay. But this is not to relitigate the 2016 campaign, though doing so might be worth it in a future post, and I can guarantee you Bernie Sanders will be discussed in some length.

But my point today is that Democrats need to stop self-cutting. President Joe Biden has been the most amazing President of my lifetime, and VP Kamala Harris has done her job admirably. And stop undercutting them and let’s support them with all of our hearts because you can imagine some ticket that doesn’t exist, but the ticket will be Biden/Harris in 2024 and we should all get in line and love it like it’s a fresh biscuit out of the oven cooked from homemade. Because I care about abortion rights, and I care about voting rights, and I care about Black people and all people and I am sick to death of the burgeoning facism in my beautiful country.

Vote blue bitches. And get excited about it. Democrats should be doing jumping jacks. What a wonderful day to be blue in America.

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